Soiniityn kartano
Soiniity estate - yeasterday and today

The history of Soiniitty is full of lived life, events, work on the farm, happy parties and people, and a few horses too. The story begins in the 17th century, when we lived during one of the world's most destructive wars. King Charles IX and Henrik Wrede rode together to the battle of the Thirty Years' War, where the king's horse died. Wrede presented his own horse to the king, but was himself left without a horse by the enemy and lost his life in the battle. In gratitude for Wrede's sacrifice, King Charles IX donated land to Wrede's family, which also included the area of the Soiniity manor. The cottage of the gatekeeper who supervised the property of the Wrede family can still be found on the other side of the 6th road, opposite Soiniity.
Over time, lots of the Wrede family lands changed hands as descendants sold it. Mustila manor including the lands of Soiniitty, was sold to the af Forsselles family in 1867. One of the daughters of the af Forsselles family married a man from the Tigerstedt family, and the lands became Tigerstedt's ownership. The main building of the Soiniity manor was built around this time. In 1928, Tigerstedt's heir, Örnulf, inherited about a thousand hectares of the Soiniitty estate. Örnulf sold his inheritance to the owner of the Pukaro manor in Lapinjärvi, Nils Borup, who is the grandfather of Tomas Nordenswan, the current owner of the farm.
Nils, his wife Ebba and their children Anita and Hakon lived at Pukaro manor. At that time, the Soiniity manor was mainly inhabited by farm workers. The vast majority of Soiniity's thousand-hectare land was handed over to the Karelians in the 40s. One hundred hectares remained.
In the 50s, the owner of the manor changed to a hostess, when Nils' daughter Anita moved to Soiniitty with her husband Henrik Nordenswan. The manor was renovated in 1952 and in 1953 Anita and Henrik moved to the farm. They had four sons four years apart. Henrik made his career in the paper industry and loved his flying hobby. Anita was hard-working and took good care of the farm and the animals. Sometimes she travelled the world with her husband Henrik. In taking care of four children, Anita received help from her mother Ebba, who spent her time alternately in Soiniitty and alternately at her home in Pukaro manor.
Anita was over 70 years old when she gave up managing the farm and gave the farm responsibility to her son Tomas. Tomas, his wife Elina and their three children moved to Soiniitty in the late 90s. Tomas and Elina built their house on the farm, and Anita and Henrik stayed to live in the manor. Slowly, the animals on the farm were given up, but the crops remained.
Over the years, a lot has changed, but a lot has remained the same. Today, the Soiniitty estate cultivates grain, provides high-quality hay for the horses, and accommodates travellers from all over the world. The manor's host couple, Tomas and Elina Nordenswan, have brought the farm to life in a new way. When you arrive in Soiniitty, you will experience peace, a traditional country landscape and receive personal service. Bringing forth and maintaining history is a matter of the heart for Elina, who is responsible for accommodation. Soiniity's rooms are each named after well-known figures from history.
Soiniity has always had a lot of guests. Elina hopes that this will continue to be the case.
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